Sermons 2014by bradbattin Sermonson Posted on 10/05/201410/05/2020 Introducing CompassionThe Book of JohnThe Book of JoelNew BeginningsOur God a Consuming FireThe Book of James Week 5The LawThe Law (10 commandments)trust in god - Olga OssebaarFreedomThe Book of James Week 7The Book of James Week 6Towards a Christian ethicThe Commandments - LyingThe Commandments - AdulteryThe Commandments -CovertLove, Law, Liberty & FreedomRevival 20-07-146-7-14 Psalm 915-11-14 The Commandment Honor your Mother and Father13-07-14 Heather - Psalms 139Family Matters 4Family Matters 328 September 201414 September 20147 September 2014Bruce Goodall_Faiththe reality and challenges of islam_week 3the reality and challenges of islam_week 2the reality and challenges of islam_week one