Sermons 2013by bradbattin Sermonson Posted on 10/05/201311/04/2023 Nick Davies 20.01.13Son of HamasParacletePraiseWhy did Jesus come as a baby,Why the virgin birthSunday School Break upThe Book of Revelation Week 3The Book of Revelation Week 2The Book of Revelation Week 1Palm Sunday 24.03.13The Book of Revelation Week 6The Book of Revelation Week 5The Book of Revelation Week 4Philippians Week 1The Book of Revelation Week 8The Book of Revelation Week 7Good Friday 28.03.13Philippians Week 3Philippians Week 2Philippians Week 7Philippians Week 5Philippians Week 4What Is ManPhilippians Week 11Philippians Week 10Philippians Week 9EvangelismTwo Ways to liveBelonging to The Church of ChristMarriageDavid & BathshebaFather's DayMoving people towards JesusThe Good NewsThe Book of James Week 1The Tongue James Week 4James Week 3WisdomChristmas Day ServiceThe Perfect ChristmasTHE CHRISTMAS GUESTUnwrapping Jesussheep and shepherds