Sermons 2019by bradbattin Sermonson Posted on 10/05/201911/04/2023 Angelo Giovas - The Christmas Story - 29-12-19Glenn Batchelor - Christmas Day - 25-12-19Heather Goodall-Emanuel-22-12-19John Van der Heijde - Wonderful Counselor - 15-12-19Perilous Times-Steve Howland-24-11-19The Suffering Church-Simon Rattray-17-11-19John Van der Heijde-My Strength Is Made Perfect In Weakness-10-11-19John Van der Heijde-Anger Management-03-11-19John Van-der-Heijde-(replacement theology) has the church replaced Israel- 27-10-19John Van der Heijde - Election (predestination) 20-10-19Lyndon Niemann - Imago Dei (image of God) 13-10-19John Van der Heijde - You Asked for It - Repentance - 06-10-19John Van der Heijde - You Asked for It - Synergism V Monergism - 29-09-19Angelo Giovas - 22-09-19John Finger - Family Service - 15-09-19John Van-der-Heijde-discipleship and Peter-08-09-19The blessings of fathers - father's Day - John-Van-der-Heijde-01-09-19Come and follow me - John-Van-der-Heijde-25-08-19For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ - Steve Howland - 18-08-19Lazareth - John Van-der-Heijde - 11-08-19Spiritual Gifts - John Van-der-Heijde - 04-08-19Grace & Restoration - 28-07-19Rejection / Chosen - Ben Comerford 21-07-19Discipleship - John Van der Heijde 14-07-19My Time are in your hands - Lyndon Niemann 07-07-19Spiritual Gifts - John Van der Heijde 30-06-19Family Service - 23-6-19Spiritual Gifts - John Van-der-Heijde - 16-06-19Spiritual Gifts - John Van-der-Heijde - 09-06-19Spiritual Gifts - John Van-der-Heijde - 02-06-19Spiritual Gifts - John Van-der-Heijde - 26-05-19What is the body of Christ?-Heather Goodall-19-05-19Mothers day service-John Van-der-Heijde- 12-05-19Loving Substitution - Steve Howland - 28-04-19Sustaining Life Through Death- John Van-der-Heijde- 14-04-19Life Style Matters- John Van-der-Heijde- 07-04-19Lyndon Niemann 24-03-19Life Style Matters- John Van-der-Heijde- 17-03-19Life Style Matters- John Van-der-Heijde- 10-03-19Life Style Matters- John Van-der-Heijde- 03-03-19The Hebrides Revival - Steve Howland - 24-02-19Apostolic church-John-Van-der-Heijde-17-02-19Apostolic church-John-Van-der-Heijde-10-02-19Apostolic church-John-Van-der-Heijde-03-02-19Abraham's Prayer for Sodom-John-Van-der-Heijde-27-01-19Beatitudes for a modern day-Myles-20-1-19Bruce Goodall - is God Soverign of world History - 13-01-19Glenn Batchelor - New Year - 06-01-19